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Source: www.startv.com.tr |
We see Atmaca rushing (but his horse is not going fast enough lol). In a flashback we see Cihangir and Fatma speaking to Atmaca. Cih: "A man took my name and took the chest that was to be sent to Shehzade Mustafa...God knows what they did before it (the chest) was given to the messenger." Atmaca: "Which agha took it Shehzade? Did they say anything?" Cih: "The tailor doesn't know his name...he is gone now...he must have gone to his land." Fatma: "It is obvious they are playing a game, they want to trouble him" Cih: "Get on your way Atmaca, we must warn my brother." Atmaca is caught by some men.
Suleyman: "What are you saying Rustem?! What does this mean?!" Rustem: "I cannot bring myself to say it...but it has only one explanation....treason."
Cihangir asks her if she really believes what Rustem says and then gets closer to her and adds that the Janissaries have gone out to stop Mustafa and that without knowing, without understanding, they could find themselves in a bloody battle. Mihrimah says that her brother will not in any case go against the Sultan's orders and Cihangir says that he has already gone against all the rules and customs by leaving his Sanjak! He says they must stop the Sultan for the future of their Dynasty. Lokman suddenly arrives and tells them the Sultan is not willing to see anyone. Mihrimah asks if he added she was waiting, and Lokman nods.
Suleyman is on his balcony. (Can you
imagine the stress on thisman's shoulders? It is his JOB to stop ANY
treason, no matter if it is his son, or a commoner(treason is treason is
treason and right now, this is what it looks like!), and at the same
time, as we saw from his prayer, he does not want to hurt his son! Halit
plays this role very well, we all must admit! Imagine the thoughts
running through his head)
approaches the Janissaries: "All of you had sworn allegiance to our
Hunkar...I see that you have forgotten this, and have fallen into the
hole of betrayal and treason. Let no one doubt that our Padishah, Sultan
Suleyman Han will not forgive this! Either you all put down your
weapons now and deliver yourselves to our Hunkar's justice, or each one
of you shall call our Hunkar's wrath upon you...the decision is yours."
Rustem to Mustafa: "The decision is yours." Mustafa takes off his sword
and helmet and asks to see the Sultan: "Send word to our Hunkar, I wish
to be allowed in his presence and speak to him." Rustem: "The
Janissaries will move away and then this wish of yours will be
accepted." Mustafa: "This is a command Rustem! Tell our Hunkar I wish to
speak with him!"
Suleyman is in his Arz Oda, the room where people come to make requests. He imagines himself fighting his son (What would you do, if your own father took the throne from his father, and it looks the same with your son now, and you know this is something you have to fight because it is against the law and is treason? Imagine the thoughts going through this man's head?) Rustem enters instead: "Hunkarim, Shehzade Mustafa wishes to speak to you." Suleyman: "He wants to speak to me is that right?!" Rustem: "The Janissaries are not turning back. I think he wishes to make an agreement with you...perhaps a treaty to get on the throne." Suleyman: "Where is the sixth division?" Rustem: "A small portion are at Asitane, the rest are preparing at the Horse Square...they are waiting for the order to suit up with guns, also, the divisions that are marching here from Edirne and its surrounding areas will reach us soon. If you ask me, the best thing to do is to accept Shehzade Mustafa in your presence. But if you order, we can destroy the Shehzade along with his soldiers that are supporting him." Suleyman is thinking.
Suleyman is in his Arz Oda, the room where people come to make requests. He imagines himself fighting his son (What would you do, if your own father took the throne from his father, and it looks the same with your son now, and you know this is something you have to fight because it is against the law and is treason? Imagine the thoughts going through this man's head?) Rustem enters instead: "Hunkarim, Shehzade Mustafa wishes to speak to you." Suleyman: "He wants to speak to me is that right?!" Rustem: "The Janissaries are not turning back. I think he wishes to make an agreement with you...perhaps a treaty to get on the throne." Suleyman: "Where is the sixth division?" Rustem: "A small portion are at Asitane, the rest are preparing at the Horse Square...they are waiting for the order to suit up with guns, also, the divisions that are marching here from Edirne and its surrounding areas will reach us soon. If you ask me, the best thing to do is to accept Shehzade Mustafa in your presence. But if you order, we can destroy the Shehzade along with his soldiers that are supporting him." Suleyman is thinking.
In the Tower, Fatma,
Gulfem and Afife arrive. Fatma asks what is going on and Mihrimah
replies that she would never imagine Mustafa coming to the gates with
thousands of soliers. Gufelm prays to God to protect them and wonders
how he can betray. Cihangir says he is not committing treason and when
Gulfem wonders why he says this, and that despite Mustafa being beloved
to her, this act of his cannot be accepted and Mihrimah agrees, Fatma
asks CIhangir why he says this. Cihangir replies that while the
conditions were on his side, he has taken off his helmet and sword, it
means he has no intention of fighting.
Mustafa approaches the gates, with Taslicali, Yavuz and Rustem.
waits in his room, looking at the door. Rustem and Mustafa walk forward
and then Mustafa enters to meet his angry father. Why doesn't he bow?
Suleyman: "Going against my orders, taking soldiers along with you, who
the heck do you think you are?! How dare you?!" Mustafa: "Forgive me
Hunkarim, I did not want to come this way to you, but I was forced to. I
could not stay in my Sanjak as if nothing happened. If no one knows
about my loyalty to you, then you and my Lord know. If you wanted to
take my life, then I am here for you to take it while you look into my
eyes." Suleyman: "Do you hear the words you are saying?! You commit
treason, and at the same time speak of your loyalty! Do you want to take
my life?" Mustafa: "Is it not true you wanted to take my life because
of those letters written about me...on the one hand your nice words, on
the other side you wished to take my life with that poisoned kaftan!" (Feeling sorry for Mustafa at the moment while I type this part).
Suleyman: "Poisoned?!"
Fatma's room "Oh Allah what a dark day." Cihangir: "If someone did not
interfere this would not happen" Mihrimah: "Who is that?" Cih: "Your
powerful husband Rustem Pasha! He has trapped my brother...perhaps you
know about all this!" Mih: "Watch your words Cihangir! How dare you
speak to me this way!" Cih: "I will speak to whoever I wish whichever
way I want." Cihangir leaves and Mihrimah calls out. Gulfem: "Sultanim
don't...it is beneficial to be calm...all of us are touchy right now."
Fatma: "Oh Allah make our ends good...how can they get in between a
father and son this way."
The chest is brought to
Suleyman and opened. He peeks inside. Mustafa tells his father that the
messenger wore the kaftan before he did and he died right in front of
him. If his mother had not stopped him, he would have died instead.
Suleyman tells everyone to leave, including his guards. Mustafa tells
him that his mother told him about what happened years ago, the incident
with his grandfather. Suleyman: "And you believed it is that right?!
You believed that I could kill my own son, and in this way!" Mustafa: "A
letter with your seal came along with it, Hunkarim. What else could I
think?" Suleyman asks him how such a thing could enter his mind and
Mustafa says that he had once told him a Shehzade should think of
everything and it was this word of his that brought him here and that on
top of this, he did not come to take life, but for his life to be
taken. Suleyman asks why he came with swords drawn then? Why he did not
come alone. Mustafa responds that he wanted to die as a soldier. (I have
nothing against Mustafa, but he would save himself LOTS of trouble if
he just didn't come armed. He could have just come by himself! I mean I
felt sorry for him when he saw the kaftan was poisoned I really did, but
he could have just come by himself and the Sultan would listen, he
always does. He always believes Musafa. Despite what some say, he does
love his son, otherwise this would have been excuse enough to kill him!)
Rustem is outside when Cihangir approaches. "Is Mustafa inside." Rustem: "We are waiting Shehzadem" Lokman tells Cihangir he cannot enter. Cih gets close to Rustem: "If anything happens to my brother, many heads will roll. Especially those that trapped him" Rustem: "It will be good to go back to your room." Cih: "No one can tell me what to do Rustem Pasha." There is a knock and Mustafa exits. "Do not worry, I am fine." Then to Rustem "Our Hunkar wishes to see you."
Rustem is outside when Cihangir approaches. "Is Mustafa inside." Rustem: "We are waiting Shehzadem" Lokman tells Cihangir he cannot enter. Cih gets close to Rustem: "If anything happens to my brother, many heads will roll. Especially those that trapped him" Rustem: "It will be good to go back to your room." Cih: "No one can tell me what to do Rustem Pasha." There is a knock and Mustafa exits. "Do not worry, I am fine." Then to Rustem "Our Hunkar wishes to see you."
Suleyman tells Rustem to tell the divisions to return to their barracks. Rustem: "As you wish, but the Janissaries are still outside the palace." Suleyman: "You may leave. Aghas! (only Lokman comes haha) Call Ferhat agha to me at once!"
Atmaca is being beaten up badly.
Zal is sharpening his blade. He asks who is the special man who helps
Shehzde Mustafa. Atmaca says he is loyal. Zal says that if he spoke, he
would have gotten free, and that he will kill him. Zal is so creepy. He
tells him that he is going to take out his nails and he faint then
because he will not be able to take it. He says he will take a break
then, until he comes back to his senses, then he will continue. Ew. Atmaca says he will kill Zal. Zal starts doing the creepy thing cause Zal is super creepy!
Suleyman speaks to Ferhat. Suleyman: "I ordered you to stop Mustafa, you defied my orders and came along with him!" Ferhat, lies! "I went to stop him, and told him your
orders. He said he was going to come to see you, without weapons (um, he
didn't say that Ferhat!) On top of this, he said his soldiers would
wait in Uskudar (no!) Under these conditions, I understood that there would be no way for the Shehzade to rebel.
Then I decided that it would be better that instead of creating a divide
between you and our Shehzade, to try to bring you together.
"And if our Hunkar did not accept him in the palace." Ferhat: "I would
have done whatever was necessary to send our Shehzade back to his Sanjak. I am in front of you, my neck is lowered for your justice." Suleyman lets him go. Rustem says that no matter what, Ferhat's actions should not be accepted. He saw him, and the Janissaries.
THe anger in their eyes, in their hands swords!" Suleyman asks who dared
to try to poison him? Rustem says it could be anyone. Suleyman asks
who, one of his Viziers, his pashas or beys or his Sultans? or his
princes. Rustem says it might be someone further off. Suleyman asks him
to find whoever it was and bring him. He says that the only thing that makes him feel better is that finally Shehzade Mustafa delivered himself (his life) instead of committing treason.
At night, Piri is meeting with a man and Yavuz. Piri
says that they were not ready for such a treason and that this is why
it was better that it was good all ended well. The man says that Rustem
fell into the well he dug himself and Piri says that while that is true a
well has been dug it is not certain who has fallen inside it and who is
looking on from the top and that they must learn a lesson from this
incident. Yavuz asks where Atmaca is and Piri says that there is no word
of him, they are looking everywhere but that he thinks they might have
killed him and thrown him in some corner. Yavuz is not ready to hear
such a thing but Piri says that Rustem had sent a man to follow him and
that a man by the name of Zal Mahmut is also missing and that they
should find out what he is doing and where he is.
Cihangir's room, Cihangir meets with Mustafa. Cih: "We are back from the
brink of disaster brother...they wanted to provoke our Hunkar against
you, they wanted you to rebel." Mustafa: "It is as if you know
something? Whatever you know tell me." Cih: "I went to see the kaftan being sent to you, and I learned that someone had used my name to take the box...I do not have proof, but it is obvious that the kaftan left the palace already poisoned. I
tried to reach you..I sent word with Atmaca...apparently you did not
chance to meet him." Mus: "It is obvious they prevented it...It has been
a while I did not get any word from him. Rustem is probably trying to find an opportunity to close the matter. I
am certain he has fingers in this work Cihangir. If you convince our
Hunkar, the matter will not close and then Rustem will get the
punishment he deserves! Your word is important y brother. Can you tell
our Hunkar what you told me?" Cih: "If this is what you want, of course I
will do it." Mihrimah enters and they don't notice. "So are you here? I
wanted to say welcome, but the incident was quite troubling." Mustafa: "Don't be sad, as you see everyone is okay."
is with the Sultan: "You had asked for Shah Tahmasp's brother Elkas to
come to the Capitol, I think in one week he will be in Edirne."
Suleyman: "Edirne?" Sokollu: "Rustem desired this, if it is not suitable
then.." Suleyman: "It is suiable...it will require a ceremony to meet
the Shahzade ( note: In Persian, Prince = "Shahzada" (son of the Shah)
it is where the word Sehzade in Turkish comes from. Padishah is also
adopted from the Persians = Great King.) Sokollu: " Ahmet agha is taking
care of it Hunkarim...Rustem will meet the Shahzade personally."
Suleyman: "Sokollu, come close, I wish you to look into the Kaftan
issue...find out whoever put that poison...but your investigation will
be secret. Even from Rustem. No one will know!" (I love the whispering lol, like someone will hear him in the room!)
In Kutahya,
Hurrem is with Beyazid's Lala outside. She asks him she heard that
Beyazid went to visit the Kadi (Judge) and asks why. Lala replies that
he has gone to see if the people have wishes or complaints and he goes
often to visit the Kadi about these. Hurrem wonders why Lala has not
written to her about this or as often as before. He replies that he does
not want to steal her precious time with boring matters. Hurrem replies
that Beyazid has a special place among her children, and that he is the
one would do what is necessary for the throne after the Hunkar. Lala
says he is happy to hear that she thinks so still, and that he does all
he can to prepare him for that and that she should have no doubt in
that. She replies that it is not enough to merely do whatever he can,
but he has to keep eyes on him always so he doesn't do the wrong things.
Lala says he understands everything she is saying. Hurrem asks him if
Beyazid has anything do with Hurichihan still, if they send letters and
such and Lala replies that that matter is in the past now.
Meanwhile, of course Beyazid is with Hurichihan. She asks "How much longer will I hide Beyazid? Wait let me guess until Hurrem Sultan goes?" Bey: "I am not happy either, but this is the right way." Huri: "You were going to tell her everything anyway. That is what you said." (why is she complaining?! Does she want Hurrem to find out and do something about it?) Bey: "Now is not the time,
we have to wait, and do not forget the condition of my brother - we are
going to have to hide this like him." Hurichihan: 'Who are you
comparing me with?! I am not Mihrunissa! I have noble blood running
through my veins! I will not be hidden like a runaway." Bey: "Be patient, if I did not think of everything, then I would not have brought you here. When the time comes we will go out in front of everyone."
Mustafa is walking with Cihangir. "I do not want to
accuse anyone publicly especially without evidence, but your being
witness...Rustem will find what is he is worth (his punishment)." Rustem
arrives and greets them. Mustafa: "We were just talking about you...are
you investigating the Kaftan matter?" Rustem: "Pf course, it is difficult to reach a strict conclusion...it seems on the way to Amasya the kaftan was poisoned." Mustafa: "But I heard everything happened in this palace...Cihangir, our Hunkar is waiting for us."
is on his balcony when the two Shehzades enter. Mustafa: "We just came
across Rustem Pasha. The investigation has begun on the Kaftan issue."
Suleyman: "Whoever has a hand in it will get their punishment!" Mustafa:
"I do not think anything will come out of it...especially when Rustem
Pasha is doing that investigation." Suleyman: "What does this mean?!"
Mustafa: "He is prejudiced. According to him, he thinks the poison was
put on the way...but CIhangir thinks differently...he is certain that
the kaftan was poisoned before it left the palace. Right Cihangir?
There is a flashback. Mihrimah: "You know how much I love my brother Mustafa. We cannot accept what he went through with this Kaftan issue. I also do not approve of what happened...and I will not allow it to happen again ever, but if you speak to our Hunkar, the outcome will be worse." Cih: "Are you worried about Rustem?!" Mih: "Do you not understand that this matter will go all the way to our mother! Anyway our Hunkar's relationship with her is not good at all, she is our mother Cihangir! For this reason you would not want to accuse would you?!"
We see Cihangir in the present again. Cih: "I cannot say I am certain...especially in such a sensitive issue...it is just a guess."
There is a flashback. Mihrimah: "You know how much I love my brother Mustafa. We cannot accept what he went through with this Kaftan issue. I also do not approve of what happened...and I will not allow it to happen again ever, but if you speak to our Hunkar, the outcome will be worse." Cih: "Are you worried about Rustem?!" Mih: "Do you not understand that this matter will go all the way to our mother! Anyway our Hunkar's relationship with her is not good at all, she is our mother Cihangir! For this reason you would not want to accuse would you?!"
We see Cihangir in the present again. Cih: "I cannot say I am certain...especially in such a sensitive issue...it is just a guess."
Mihrimah is in her mother's room when Lokman arrives. He tells her that Mustafa and Cihangir have left the Sultan's room and it did not look like anything had gone down. Mihrimah is happy.
Cihangir follows his brother who ignores him and then stops "Mustafa brother...forgive
me brother. I abandoned you...I was afraid everything would
worsen...are you mad at me?" Mustafa: "No, I understand you...in the end
it was me on the one hand, and your mother on the other...actually the
fault is mine, I should never have asked such a thing of you."
Manisa, Gazanfer is telling Selim about what happened with Mustafa: "As
a result of this, Shehzade Mustafa started marching to the Capitol and
on the way to Istanbul, the Janissaries met him." Selim: "Did they stop
him?" Gazanfer: "No my Shehzade, no it is obvious that the Janissary
agha, Ferhat pledged allegiance to Musafa, to the extent that they
accompanied him to the palace. Confusion broke out in the Palace. First
they thought it was treason, but then all was well when the kaftan issue
was brought to light." Selim: "So who poisoned the Kaftan then?"
Gaznfer: "It is not known." Selim: "It is obvious the soldiers are
rebelling, if not today, tomorrow they will commit treason. Ali agha was
on Mustafa's side. And it is apparent Ferhat agha is on the same path.
The military is still on his side." Gazanfer: "Thousands of them, in
three days he won't change lines...also don't forget that our Hunkar is
on your side." Selim: "What is the point Gazanfer. Don't you see that
Mustafa has publicily challenged...if he wants, he can get on the
throne...if he wants he can send executioners to this palace...bring me
water...bring me wine..." Gaz: "How...you have repented." Selim shouts
for him to bring the wine.
In Kutahya, Hurrem reads a letter and then shouts: "With what courage was Mustafa able to march on Istanbul?! And how did our Hunkar leave this unpunished?!"
Lala: "It is obvious our Hunkar did not see this as treason." Hurrem:
"If this is not treason what is Lala? I have said it for years, no one
believes me...and now you saw it...it means if Shehzade wants he can
march to the palace and put everyone to the sword!" Beyazid: "The fact
that he did not is the proof is not Validem? It is as you say, if he
wanted he could, and according to what is written, it is obvioust he
Janissaries supported him." Hurrem: "Today it happened this way...great,
and then what will happen tomorrow? Are we to rely on Mustafa's mercy?
Open your eyes..see the reality already...that brother who is ever
beloved to you, who you never direspect, is your enemy! See it already!" She leaves.
Beyazid: "What do you say Lala?" Lala: "Our Sultana has a point...even if our Shehzade is not your enemy, he is the biggest competitor to the throne against you! You must be careful in your relation with him...especially after such an incident."
Beyazid: "What do you say Lala?" Lala: "Our Sultana has a point...even if our Shehzade is not your enemy, he is the biggest competitor to the throne against you! You must be careful in your relation with him...especially after such an incident."
Hurrem is walking with Fahriye: "No...this
cannot happen like this...I have to return to the Capitol at once...I
won't let them see my absence as an oppurtunity." Fah: "There is benefit in being patient Sultanim...if you go without permission, our condition will worsen." Rana: "Sultanim, I have something impotant to tell you." Hurrem: "I am already distressed, now I must listen to your troubles!"
Selim is in his room, when Nurbanu enters instead of Gazanfer. He asks where he is and she says that she sent him back when she saw he had wine and that he (Selim) is angry now, so he thinks he needs it (wine) and she understands, but that after his anger fades, he will feel regretful that he has broken his promise of repentance. Selim
asks her if she was not the one who told him he could drink secretly and
she replies that while he might hide it from everyone, while people
might not see or hear their sins, and that humans can lie to everyone
they cannot lie to themselves...and that they cannot run from themselves
or their consciences. Selim tells her to leave him alone. Nurbanu
responds that he can be angry with her if he wants, he can yell and
shout at her, but she heard the news from the Capitol...and that no
matter what Mustafa or Beyazid does...the day will come when he (Selim)
will ascend the throne and that she will be by his side. She tells him
he is the light of the Hunkar's eyes and that he should not forget
that...that he gave a promise to him.
Atmaca is in
his prison cell when Zal arrives. He gives some potion to him. Atmaca
asks what it is, what he drank. Zal says it is a medicinal drink from
Afyon, that it will ease his pain, but also it will make him speak the
truth and that whatever he is hiding, he will spill all of it.
dreams abotu executioners and then wakes up from his nightmare. Nurbanu
asks if he saw a nightmare and he says it was nothing.
Zal asks Atmaca who he is. Atmaca: "My name is Tugrul." Zal: "What is your nickname then?" Atmaca: "Atamaca" Zal: "Who are you Atmaca? Where were you born, what is your actual duty?" Atmaca: "I am a raider soldier. From the Turhanogullar family. Born in Teselya. They are waiting for me I have to go." Zal: "When the time comes, you can go...first answer my questions...who sent you to be with Shehzade Mustafa?" Atmaca says he has to go home, they are waiting for him. He has a flashback of a child and a wife who greet him by a little house. "They are waiting for me...my wife and child." Zal: "So you have a wife and child...good. Who do you work for, who wants you to protect Shehzade Mustafa." Atmaca spits on Zal's face and ges a slap.
Zal asks Atmaca who he is. Atmaca: "My name is Tugrul." Zal: "What is your nickname then?" Atmaca: "Atamaca" Zal: "Who are you Atmaca? Where were you born, what is your actual duty?" Atmaca: "I am a raider soldier. From the Turhanogullar family. Born in Teselya. They are waiting for me I have to go." Zal: "When the time comes, you can go...first answer my questions...who sent you to be with Shehzade Mustafa?" Atmaca says he has to go home, they are waiting for him. He has a flashback of a child and a wife who greet him by a little house. "They are waiting for me...my wife and child." Zal: "So you have a wife and child...good. Who do you work for, who wants you to protect Shehzade Mustafa." Atmaca spits on Zal's face and ges a slap.
Mihrimah is in her palace with Fatma of all people.
Fatma: "Why did the Pasha go to Edirne all of a sudden? Or have you
separated palaces after separating beds?" Mihrimah: "It is state work
Sultanim! A very important Persian called Elkas Mirza has come...he has
gone to meet him." Fatma: "So Elkas Mirza has come..." Mihrimah: "Or do
you know him?!" Fatma: "I heard his name quite a bit...he is a brave
lad....those who see him are awestruck!" Mihrimah: "For God's sake who
did you hear this from?" Fatma: "From my late husband...there were lots of people coming and going from Persia."
In Edirne,
An announcer announces Elkas. Elkas mistakes Rustem for the Sultan and
calls him "The Sultan of the seven regions, Sultan Suleyman Han
Hazretleri." He kisses his robe. Then he sees smirks and realizes he did
something wrong. "Forgive me, did I do a mistake without knowing
Sultanim?" Rustem: "I am Rustem Pasha, Sultan Suleyman Han's Grand
Vizier." Elkas: "Forgive me Pasha Hazretleri. seeing you in such splendour, anyone would think you are the Sultan"
Manisa, Selim is with the woman he met in the forest. Woman: "That day
when you did not accept my invitation I was very sad. But when I saw you
in front of me, the world became mine...I have been always thinking of
you...finally I got the chance to host your honour." She pours wine, he
says: "There is no need" But she insists saying they make the wine
themselves and she plucked the grapes herself and looks almost offended,
so he takes it and quickly drinks it.
Elkas is
speaking to Rustem: "You know the reason why I came here. I want to
fight against Tahmasp and take the throne which is my right!" Rustem: "I
hope you realize that in your condition this is quite impossible?"
Elkas: "It is true by myself...but if I have Sultan Suleyman behind me,
no one can stop me...and in this way I will plant the seeds of
friendship between Persia and the Ottomans." Rustem: "Our Hunkar might
not look at such support warmly...his eyes are on the Christian
world...in truth, this is why we have not yet signed an agreement with
Austria. I am making Ferdinand's messengers wait for two years now!"
Elkas: "Forgive me but I would venture to say that the as long as the
Persian border is not safe, then the Ottomans won't rest, this much is
clear." Rustem: "To be honest, I wish to support you...let us be
reasonable...Our Hunkar will not want to make such a decision for a
costly war against your brother Tahmasp..." Rustem: "But...if the Hunkar
learns that if Tahmasp comes in between him and his oldest son Mustafa,
then the condition will change." Elkas: "I did not understand anything
Pasha Hazretleri...what do you want from me?"
is with the Sultan. Sokollu: "The chest which had the kaftan was sent
off along with the messenger and some guards...we know the ending of the
messenger...he died when he wore the kaftan. I questioned all the
guards but I did not find anything, but I learned a very important thing
Hunkarim...." Suleyman: "what is that?" Sokollu: "The tailors apprentice has suddenly gone to his land...and no one has heard from him after." Suleyman: "I
have instructed and they are searching for him...but I am sure they
will find him dead...it is apparent that the kaftan left the palace
poisoned." Suleyman: "Continue your investigation Sokollu...whoever the tip touches don't step back no matter what!"
Hurrem walks outisde and we hear her monolgue:
I am eating salt, sleeping on a bed of nails, I can no longer speak... None of my enemies have brought me down, not the dragons in the sky, nor my enemies who spew poison, nor my enemies who smile at me but carry their daggers underneath their kaftans... In all these years, through all of these seasons, I have seen many deaths and births, and many wars and marriages... It is as if you covered me with a protective charm but you left one thing to harm me... Oh Allah, have mercy on me. You separated me once from my love, please do not allow for this to happen again... Please reunite me...
I am eating salt, sleeping on a bed of nails, I can no longer speak... None of my enemies have brought me down, not the dragons in the sky, nor my enemies who spew poison, nor my enemies who smile at me but carry their daggers underneath their kaftans... In all these years, through all of these seasons, I have seen many deaths and births, and many wars and marriages... It is as if you covered me with a protective charm but you left one thing to harm me... Oh Allah, have mercy on me. You separated me once from my love, please do not allow for this to happen again... Please reunite me...
At night,
Mihrimah finds Suleyman in Hurrem's room when Mihrimah enters. She tells
him they told her that he was here. Then she says she asked for food to
be brought so they can both eat, and he says he is not hungry, but she says she heard he has not eaten in days. She says it will make him ill and she will not let him and that he has to be careful with his eating and drinking. He says she should not worry about him
that even if his spirit is winded, his strength and health are fine.
She says: "We both know what would be good for your soul, Hunkarim...up
until today, you never mentioned it, nor was I ever brave enough to,
finish this separation already. You are punishing yourself, and my
mother. One word of yours can change everything." Suley: "I wish it were
that easy...: Mihrimah: "It is that easy actually...you just order it
and that is enough." Afife arrives and he leaves. Afife is left with
Mihrimah: "I do not see him well, since my mother has left, he is
getting worse." Afife: "I know, May Allah save him...I am afraid he will get sick." Mihrimah: 'Then do something Afife...my mother needs to return. As you know, our Hunkar sees you as his mother..." Afife: "What can I do Sultanim?"
is being massaged by, who lese but Dilshah. Nurbanu enters angry (haha
look at Selim smiling). They greet each other, and Selim tells Dilshah
to go back. "Why is this woman still -" He tells her to come close "Come
close, I missed you a lot." "Did you go hunting because you missed me? I
do not know what you do hunting all the time...I was thinking about you
only" Selim: "I was only thinking about you too, Nurbanu your place is special"
Fatma is dinging with Rustem and Mihrimah. Fatma: "You are dedicating yourself to state matters, but when a man has such a beautiful wife then he must be careful...not to neglect"
"I guess you are bored of the harem Sultanim...you come here every
oppurtunity." Mihrimah: 'Rustem..." Fatma: "He is right Mihrimah, since
Hurrem has left, there is no spice in the palace." Mihrimah: "God
Willing your missing of my mother will end...she will return." Fatma:
"How will that happen I do not know...our Hunkar has still not forgiven
her you know." There is an awkward silence and then an agha arrives
tellign Rustem that Shahzada Elkas Mirza is about to arrive. Rustem says
to send word to the palace to the Sultan and that he will be going
along with Mirza, he excuses himself.
In Kutahya,
Hurrem recieves a letter, when she asks Fahriye who sent it, she says an
agha said someone outside the palace sent it to him.
Hurrem reads it and Fahriye wonders. Hurrem: "Hurichihan...she is here!"
Fatma and Mihrimah peek through the window and Mirza peeks back. Fatma: "So this is Mirza...he is as they say...." Mihrimah: "What does that mean?" Fatma: "Very nice, very brave,
young lad...every woman needs a man like this praise God! I saw how he
looked at you..." Mihrimah denies and Fatma says: "should I believe you
or my own eyes...and so what? Looking at beauty is a good deed...especially if that beauty's name is Mihrimah. The person who sees, will find himself in heaven."
finds Hurichihan. "What do you have doing here?!" Huri: "How did you
find out?!" Hurrem: "Answer my question! Why are you here in Kutahya,
why did you come here, what is your purpose?" Huri: "You know better
than me why I am here...I came for our Shehzade. He himself wanted it."
Hurrem: "Beyazid would not do such a thing. Without me accepting it, he
would not do such a thing!" Huri: "We are trying to work towards an
impossible love Sultanim. Even without anyone accepting it, we get out
on this path." Hurrem: "Do not dare talk to me about love...I know
exactly why you are here, who sent you. This was your job was it not?"
Hurichihan: "my only goal is to live in love with our Shehzade, but I
know you will do as you can to prevent this, but you only have one
choice, to take my life. But you know how to take a life very well."
SLAP. Hurrem: "Who the heck are you to speak to me this way, who are you
to stand in front of me and speak this way with me!" Huri :"You are
used to everone trembling and being crushed in front of you, but I am
not one of those people...my name is Hurichihan...look into my eyes
Sultanim. I am the dauhter of Pargali Ibrahim and Hatice Sultan!Like my
father said: "like my father said the dark from the past is never
ending..One day will come and everyone will drown in their own blood."
Nurbanu is with Canfeda when Dilshah arrives and asks how dare she comes without permission.
Dilshah says that she heard that there is a woman involved when Selim
goes out to hunting. Canfeda scolds her, but Nurbanu says let her speak
and asks if she is asking for trouble. Dilshah says no, she is just
repeating what she heard. Nurbanu says I am tired of your lies and Dilshah says if you want to trick yourself, then that is good. Nurbanu asks Canfeda what she is saying and Canfeda says not to heed her.
Elkas is standing in fornt of the Sultan
and greets him, kisses his robe, addresses him as his great Shah and
says he has been waiting for long for this moment it is an honour to be
in front of him. Suleyman welcomes him and says that he is pleased to
see in his presence such a brave, strong Shahzade and that while he is
in his lands, his life and his possessions are under his protection, and
that he will be hosted in the best way. Elkas calls him the Master of
the Seven Regions, the protector of the world, and says he bows with
respect for this honour (that the Sultan has bestowed on him).
says he has been made aware of everything with regards to his situation
and that he should rest, and that at a better time they shall speak.
Elkas says that he will, but if he permits, he has something he must
speak to him about that he might want to hear. Suleyman says he is
listening and Elkas tells him that as he knows the hatred between him
and his brother Tahmasp and that he is also part of this war now and
Suleyman asks if he knows what he is saying and Elkas says that when
Tahmasp found out that he (Elkas) was accepted on Ottoman lands he
intented to stir things up before Elkas' arrival, but thankfully this
game of his was not successful...Suleyman asks what game and why he has
no word of it. Elkas says that the kaftan the Sultan sent...Persian
spies poisoned it. Mustafa asks how this is possible, how could his
hands stretch so far? Suleyman asks if Elkas is certain. Elkas says that
he has no doubt...that his most trusted men sent him this word, he says
he wished to warn the Sultan but he was too late. Elkas says that there
was a spy n the palace, a man named Ismail and that he was sent.
Suleyman asks Sokollu what the name of the tailor's apprentice who is
missing was, Sokollu says his name was Ismail...
doesn't even look alive. Zal is informed that Atmaca's wife and child
have been dead years ago. Atmaca has a flashback and he sees horsemen
running away from his house. He finds his wife and son dead. :(
Zal tells Atmaca that he will not die, and that if he does not speak, he will cut off one body part every day.
speaks to Taslicali and says he still thinks Rustem is behind the
incident and he got away without a scratch and Taslicali what if Tahmasp was really behind it and Mustafa
says that no, he is willing to throw everything including the state into
the fire, to save himself. Lokman arrives and tells Mustafa the Sultan
wishes to see him.
Hurrem is in her room when Beyazid arrives. "Finally you come!
What do you think you are doing? You want to kill me?!" Bey: "What are
you doing Validem?? Hurichihan told me everything! She was in a sorry
state...you have hit her!" Hurrem: "Instead of sitting quietly ashamed
of your error you are taking me to account?!" Beyazid: "I am in error I know...but it was not right what you did with Hurichihan!" Hurrem: "I did not do enough! If I wanted to , I would have taken her life right there! There is a snake behind that face, she has come to take revenge of her father and mother!" Bey: "I do not know who told you of here being here,
but I know what happened between you...you did not let her speak at all
and you threatened her" Hurrem: 'And you believed it?" Bey: "I do not know who is right who is wrong, but I am in love with her...she with me..and this is like this." Hurrem: "How could you be this blind? There is no love...her only trouble is with me...she has come to wound me...to get in between us!" Beyazid: "Aren't
you sick of your own truths Validem? Haven't you thought of your
loneliness? If you could try to understand me, can't you see it from my
view? Is it so difficult?" Hurrem: "She will go from here...I will send
her away immediately." Bey: "Do not dare, Validem, do not dare..you will
burn the last bridge between me and you."
Suleyman is
on his terrace with Mustafa, telling him that is true that years ago a
poisoned kaftan was brought to him and that on that day it was if the
whole world was burning. It did NOT even enter his mind to commit
treason though. He buried the kaftan in the earth along with his anger.
He says he made a promise that day that no matter what he would not let
his own son live through this. He says he makes a promise now too, that
he will not kill him, never kill you. Mustafa says that if he did not
come, and if he had buried it like Suleyman did, then he would never
have learned the truth and he makes a promise that he will never betray
his father.
Ibrahim's Voice:
A person's soul is just like heaven and hell, with many levels. On each level there are gardens, pits of torture, flowers and fire... As you go lower into the depths of hell, you will come face to face with your own sins... The darkness of the past never ends... It will follow you like a shadow. The lies you tell, the hearts you break, the jealousy, injustice and betrayal will all come in front of your eyes... The promises you broke, will all stand in front of you like undead ghosts... Then you will finally understand... As soon as a human being says "I won't do this", the devil will run after him and make sure that he surrenders.
A person's soul is just like heaven and hell, with many levels. On each level there are gardens, pits of torture, flowers and fire... As you go lower into the depths of hell, you will come face to face with your own sins... The darkness of the past never ends... It will follow you like a shadow. The lies you tell, the hearts you break, the jealousy, injustice and betrayal will all come in front of your eyes... The promises you broke, will all stand in front of you like undead ghosts... Then you will finally understand... As soon as a human being says "I won't do this", the devil will run after him and make sure that he surrenders.
see Selim drinking with the new woman in her home. We then see Beyazid
and Hurichihan getting married. With the lala and some aghas as
witnesses. (Beyazid, great, now you can begin (well not really cause you already started) the era of your mistakes then, just like your older brother...)
Mustafa sees himself being strangled in his father's eye pupil (okay...that was weird...)
Mustafa sees himself being strangled in his father's eye pupil (okay...that was weird...)
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