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Source: www.startv.com.tr/dizi/muhtesemyuzyil |
VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RxsttJdeXY
The episode starts off with a scene of the battle raging. We are shown this as a flashback sort of with scenes of reports by Sokollu, Lala and Semiz to Suleyman, Nurbanu and Mihrimah.
Suleyman: "If you have nothing else to say you may leave." Mih: "There is, I wish to divorce Rustem." Suleyman: "Because of Beyazid?! If you are angry at Rustem because of Beyazid you are making a mistake. Beyazid's greatest enemy is himself. He disobeyed my orders, and rose up in rebellion! He gave weapons to the people and made an army! " Mihrimah: 'This is not at all a treason against you Hunkarim, it is against Sh. Selim -" Suleyman: "Insulting Selim is insulting me. Your brother Beyazid has forgotten his role as a Shehzade and has become a Bandit. He will pay for it in kind! " Suleyman: "When it comes to Rustem...Rustem did whatever I ordered him! He is my Grand Vizier! If it is not my order - then Rustem does not have any power! I am not permitting your marriage to end. You will not be divorcing him. You may leave!"
Atmaca has
arrived and Lokman says: "My shehzade, you had scared us so!" Bey: "I am
not one to give up that easily. You saw who I fought with and how... It
was as if the whole world got together as one against me. And for what?
Because I wanted the justice I was asking for, for years." At: "It is a
miracle of Allah that you escaped from that fire safely." Bey: "I saw
you, Atmaca, that arrow that stuck inside my heart as it was bleeding
all around my soul, as the sky was filled with blood you came and
rescued me from there. I owe you my life." At: "No Shehzadem, I thank
my Lord that my sword is always been under the command of warriors like
you and of innocent people --- Is there such a greater honour than
this?" Bey: "What is the condition of the soldiers?" At: We retreated
with roughly ten thousand people. We had heavy losses, but we will be
able to make those numbers again." Bey: "Start gathering soldiers. If I
do not get on my feet, they will come again to take my life and this
time they will be successful." At: "May Allah not show us that..." Bey:
"What is making you sad? Did you accept defeat at the first instance of
loss?" At: ;'While we still can hold a sword in our hands, this war will
not be over. My actual concern is Rustem Pasha. His betrayal does not
leave my mind still. Permit me to go get his head. God Knows what other
business he has in store for us." Bey: "We will certainly take our
revenge from that traitor. But not yet. The day will come Atmaca."
Zal has arrived to see Rustem.
"Sinan agha has sent the architectural designs of your Mosque. You are
probably so busy right now. I was waiting for an appropriate time to
show them to you." Rustem takes a look. He is pleased. Zal reads the
letter: "Pasha Hazretleri, I have been sending every day and night
working on your Mosque. One that would match your reputation. But it is also a modest building. The central dome has four major pillars and I am envisioning a Mosque that is filled with ceramic tiles. God Willing you are pleased. The head architect, Sinan Agha."
"Go to the desk Mahmut Agha, take a pen and paper. "Precious Sinan
Agha, I very much like that you are envisioning. But it is not good
enough. It should be fancier. Do not spare any expense. Even
centuries later, everyone should see and know that a Rustem Pasha passed
through this world. When they see it, they should understand my power."
Send Sinan agha five thousand more gold, be speedy" Zal: "As you order
my Pasha."
Beyazid is helped to his bed and Lokman
says: "Shehzadem, I was quiet until now, only I have somethings I have
to say." Bey: 'Speak Lokman." Rustem Pasha might have betrayed you. But
you still have someone at the Capitol. Mihrimah Sultan. She will never
go back on you. I have no doubt she will try to speak on your behalf to
our Hunkar and try to calm his anger." Defne: "When Mihrimah Sultan came
here, I personally witnessed her loyalty and love for you. Certainly
she will help you. I know Mihrimah Sultan is on my side. But Mihrimah's
influence on our Hunkar has limits." Lok: "Our Sultana will certainly
look for a solution. Additionally, you carry signs of our late Hurrem
Sultan's life, you may be able to be the recipient of his forgiveness.
There is still hope. If anything write a letter. Write what goes through
your heart."
Beyazid's letter: "My honorable Padishah, how sad
that life sends a person to many different places. How painful it is
that I am forced to fight against someone from the same blood and soul
as my own. Just as it is impossible to stand in front of wild river, it
was impossible to avoid this war. How sad that Sh. Selim blocked all the
ways that led to peace. Despite this, you stuck by his side, and sent
his support. It is Allah's Will that I did not die in Konya and along
with the prayers of my late mother. O my Hunkar, my dear father. Know
that I did not fight or betray you. My respect for you and my love for
you are eternal. Please do not fall to doubt about my loyalty. I have
one war, and that is with Shehzade Selim who stabbed me in the back with
a dagger. Your servant, Shehzade Beyazid."
But no letters reach Suleyman because his messenger is killed.
Another letter we see is received by Lala. (I think an official letter).
is seen speaking to his Pashas. "You will set off with the remaining
soldiers Mehmet Pasha and go to Konya. You will meet with Sh. Selim and
you will go off after Sh. Beyazid. The beys around Amasya will support
you." Suleyman to Rustem: "You will send my orders to the beys of the
borders to be careful. I will not at all tolerate Sh. Beyazid running
away from our lands. Whoever's sanjak he leaves, I will take their
heads! Send word also to Giray, the Crimean Khan, he should not
accept him (Beyazid) under any circumstance!" Suleyman: "Beyazid will
pay for this betrayal. He will not run away to anywhere! Dead or alive
you will bring him to me."
Selim is with Nurbanu and
Lala arrives telling him that a letter from the Hunkar has arrived.
Nurbanu asks what he has ordered? Selim says that he has ordered him to
get his army and to join Mehmet Sokollu once he arrives, and go after
Beyazid. Lala comments that it is very clear the Sultan is angry and
that it is not clear what a shehzade who has gone in revolt will do.
Lala adds that he (Bey) could even join with the enemies of the state.
Selim replies that yes, it is true and that while Sh. Beyazid still
breathes no one will be at peace. Selim: "We must finish the work we
started. The time has come, prepare at once."
leaves and Nurbanu asks whether it is right to march on Beyazid now, as
what if he falls into a haze, what if the surrounding places (around
Bey) help him... then she adds that wouldn't it be better if Selim does
not hurry to leave Konya so quickly. Selim replies that there is no
benefit in being afraid now and "I have started this war, so I must
finish it and I will be shocked if any Beys or Pashas dare to support
Beyazid against our Hunkar's orders after the victory (that just took
place). Additionally, me being in the position I am today, is because I
have always carried out our Hunkar's orders without delay."
Beyazid has regained some of his strength. He tells Atmaca that he can
see that his strength is rejuvenated. Atmaca responds that his wounds
will heal of course and better days are close upon them. Beyazid says
that what has wounded him was not swords and arrows, but the Hunkar's
orders on his neck... He is in pain and his son asks if he is alright.
Huseyin arrives: "Shehzadem, Sh. Selim along with his army have left on
their way..they will meet Sokollu Mehmet and the soldiers and will march
on us." Bey: 'What do you advise Atmaca?" At: 'We must get away from
here right away. We do not have enough strength, we would be looking for
defeat." Bey: "Huseyin Cavush?" Huseyin: 'This is the best. It would be
beneficial to go to a safer place." Bey:" Tomorrow morning at dawn we
will head out together...First we will go to Tokat...then getting word
from there we shall make our move... do the preparations"
that night, Beyazid approaches Lokman: "You had come here as my
mother's eyes and ears. You became one of my most trusted men. I am
lucky." Lokman: 'I am the real fortunate one, my Shehzade, being in the
service of and close to a brave warrior shehzade like you is a great
honour. May I be sacrificed for you." Bey: "Great. Are the preparations
complete?" Lokman: "They are. We are ready to leave at dawn." Bey: I
have something I want to ask from you, Lokman. You will stay here. You
will not come with me. " Lokman: 'How can that be Shehzadem, you are
entrusted to me by our late Hurrem Sultan. Impossible." Bey: "It is
Lokman, it is possible. You will stay here and be responsible (to look
after) my gozde (favourite) Defne Hatun and my sh. Mehmet. Only if you
are with them will be I able to rest at ease (knowing they are safe). No
matter what do not leave their sides."
Beyazid goes
to Defne. Defne: "Your late mother Hurrem Sultan's prayers are with you,
then your children's and everyone else's and then mine...your unworthy
cariye. We will all pray for you and for your victory." Bey: "My sons
Orhan, Osman and Mahmut will come with me. You will stay here with my
daughters and little Mehmet." Defne: "You must move quickly, I do not
want to tie you down, and you do not think of us, your mind should be
occupied on your enemy." Defne, hugging him: "Beyazid, there is a
difficult and dangerous path in front of you. But I have no doubt you
will return victorious. I believe in you fully."
poem: "Oh my Defne, my buried treasure, the colour of my skin, my cure,
my smiling Sultana, my delicate one, my sparrow, my flower. The arrow
from your side glance, creates a wound in my heart. My love your cariye
face is a part of my face...Woe! That beautiful one's heart must be from
marble. Because I am not one to give into the lamentations of the one
who loves...That stone-hearted love did not listen to my cries and care
for me...Its red-hot anger and scolding continues as it used to in the
past...what solution is here? If I must pay for my life for a single
kiss...i would die and be born again just to achieve it...O the one who
belongs to me! Do not think that you are hiding your beautiful love from
your chest. She is out in the open as plain as day in your tears...."
see Beyazid saying goodbye to his family. His daughter Ayse runs after
him, then all of the kids do. "Baba!" Beyazid jumps down to go see his
daughter and embrace her. Bey: "O my beautiful of the beautiful Sultana,
I must leave now. Go back to your siblings." He rides off...
Huseyin is entertaining the boys in Beyazid's camp. Atmaca tells Bey
that he has sent word to the Erzerum Beylerbey Ayas Pasha and that he
will met them at the entrance of Erzerum. Beyazid responds by asking if
they can trust the man because in these days betrayal is common. Atmaca
responds that he personally vouches for him because they have fought
together side by side before and that he is a warrior Pasha, known for
his sense of justice. Beyazid responds "I was witness to my own siblings
betrayal. And you know of our Hunkar's decisions. Even if Ayas Pasha
attacks me, I won't be surprised." At: "Our only option is Erzerum, if
as you say the path to Erzerum closes, we will completely be sorrounded
by a ring of fire." Bey: 'How sad, in that case it would be up to us
slice that ring in half."
Meanwhile, The Sultan's
table is being laid out with is simple food. Gulfem and Ferhat watch him
and then they leave. Suleyman looks at the sofra and then he gets up
and limps over.
Outisde in the hall Gulfem tells
Ferhat that everything is so sad now that "no one under this dome will
be able to recover any longer." There is a crash.
has fallen down and they come to his rescue. He tells them to let go.
There are marks on his leg, Gulfem calls for a doctor...He is angry and
pulls his clothes down so as not to show the marks.. Gulfem asks why he
did not inform anyone of his condition?
speaks to Zal praising Sinan agha and showing the plans and remarking
that his complex will be magnificent. Zal tells him that Sinan wishes
for Rustem to make a decision about the ceramic tiles. Rustem then says
"the best ones...let them be the best ones so the people don't think
that I am stingy....is there any news about Sh. Beyazid?" Zal: "After he
left his sanjak he was last seen around Tokat. As you know the tokat
castle is quite a strong one, in his time, even Timur (tamerlane) was
not able to conquer it. apart from his youngest son Mehmet, he has taken
all his other shehzades with him." Rustem: "Our Hunkar's anger will be
waiting for him there, he definitely won't forgive him. We witness this
with our eyes years ago didn't we? On top of that sh. Mustafa had not
betrayed." Zal: "Still it is not certain - Mihrimah Sultan will try to
do everything in her power." Zal: "Sh. Beyazid while he is still healthy
will hold a sword in his hand. Huseyin Cavush and Atmaca are with him."
Rustem: "When Shehzade Beyazid took the killer of my brother as his
ally, he stabbed a knife into my heart. I want Atmaca alive, tell
Sokollu, I want to personally take his life."
asks Gulfem as they walk down the corridor to the Sultan's room how her
father is and Gulfem responds that he it is not good and that the
Sultan's old illness has shown it's treacherous face again. Gulfem: "He
is keeping all of his problems and stresses inside - clearly the issues
surrounding sh. Beyazid are affecting him." Mih: "If he is sad about my
brother then that means there is still hope Gulfem. It means that the
darkness in his heart has not fully taken over." Gulfem: "Only one
person can enter our Hunkar's heart now, and that person is you
Sultanim, try to explain things to our Hunkar without giving up. Prevent
him from taking our Shehzade's life. I don't want this palace to go
through the same sadness once again."
Suleyman is
having his feet bandaged by a doctor. Ferhat arrives and informs him
that Mihrimah has arrived and that once she heard his condition was
quite worried. Suleyman allows her to enter and she does. "Father! I got
very worried when I heard that you were ill." Suley: "Do not worry, I
overcame this in the past and I will once again." Mih: 'God Willing."
Mih: "I once found something out: if the souls of people are in pain
then their bodies reflect this. Father, You know why this illness has
resurfaced again right? As a father you cannot carry the decisions that
you make as a Hunkar. Can we eat together? Do you permit me"
Meanwhile Ayaz Pasha receives Beyazid in Erzurum.
a place called Sivash, Selim has camped. Sokollu arrives and is
welcomed. Sok says that it is an honour to serve his dynasty. Selim asks
how his father is and Sokollu responds that he is completely behind him
and that regarding Sh. Beyazid, he has decreed that he be captured dead
or alive." Selim: "Great" Lala arrives and says: "Shehzade Beyazid has
left Amasya. With his forces he is moving towards Erzerum. It is obvious
that he is getting help from Ayaz Pasha." Selim: "This is Beyazid's
biggest weakness. He trusts everyone. Ayaz Pasha will catch him and we
will go at once and capture him."
Meanwhile Ayaz Pasha
says: "Welcome to Erzurum." Beyazid: "Thank you, I think you know all
about everything." Ayaz: "My Shehzade, this is Sultan Suleyman's decree.
He has sent it out to all the border sanjaks: To the Erzerum sanjak
bey, my son Beyazid has rebelled and is trying to flee . A decree has
been given permitting his execution and no permission is to be given at
all for him to leave my lands. He will be caught wherever he is seen. He
will be brought back dead or alive. Those who obey my orders will be
compensated generously through the proper channels. But whoever goes
against my orders and helps my rebellious Shehzade, it will be accepted
that they have committed the same crime and they will be executed. Do
not choose the wrong path." Ayaz Pasha rips the decree and says: "These
eyes were witness to the death of one innocent Shehzade in the past. I
do not have it in my heart to see it happen to another one. I will do
everything in my power to have our Padishah forgive you." He swears
allegiance to Beyazid. "
Sumbul is with Mihrimah and
says that her mother used to like the herbal drink he gives her. Mih:
"Rustem Pasha has been sending Sinan agha chests full of gold." Sum:
'For the Mosque. I swear he is not sparing any expense. He has chosen
such beautiful ceramic tiles that he has spent the equivalent of
somebody's life savings!They talk about Rustem and how what must be on
his conscience to be
making him spend all this wealth and then she adds that people should
not find excuses for their sins, but that all her sins over the years
have been for her siblings, and for Shehzade Beyazid to ascend to the
throne. She says that her brother Mustafa's blood reached her hands,
then Cihangir died. All the blood and tears should not have been spent
in vain. Her servants comes to tell her that the Sultan has finally
slept and the doctors are hopeful. Sumbul asks Mihrimah that she should
go on her mother's path and be close to her father because sh. Beyazid's
future is in her (mih) hands.
Ayaz pasha's messenger
tells him that "they are about to arrive" Ayaz has a worried look on his
face. Selim and Sokollu. Gazanfer announces him.
Ayaz greets Selim. Selim
says: "We have no need for formalities, just tell me where Sh. Beyazid
is and that is good enough." Ayaz: "Did you swallow your tongue Pasha? I
am asking you where Sh. Beyazid is?" Ayaz: "I heard that you scattered
the units that he sent for you. This would be impossible without your
support. Tell me where you are hiding him." Ayaz: "I pray that they are
in a safe and secure place. I sent a letter beseeching our Padishah's
forgiveness." Selim: 'What does it mean?" There is a flashback and Ayaz
tells Beyazid he must leave right away because a bigger army is on its
way and they are only a few days away. Then Beyazid asks where he should
go, farther than here is Persia. "And that they are basically driving
me to the lap of the enemy, what kind of oppression is this?" Ayaz
responds that "these dark days will come to an end, do not forget that a
good commander knows when it is time to retreat." Ayaz: "Whatever is in
my treasury, my weapons, are all under your command. Additionally, two
thousand of my soldiers are under your orders." Bey: "Ayaz Pasha, you
know what you will get in return for what you have done right?"(you will
be sought after and punished by the Sultan). Bey: "I thank God there
are brave, honourable men like you in in this world."
to Ayaz: "Fool! Do you realize what you have done." Ayaz: "Sh. Beyazid
is a wounded lion. A lion wounded amongst hyenas. God Willing, he will
receive our Hunkar's forgiveness."
Selim stabs Ayaz.
we see Beyazid's camp. His son approaches him: 'For days we have been
on the road. I don't have a problem, but my brothers are very tired.
Where are we going?" Bey: "Are you waiting for account from me? Go back
to your brothers at once." Atmaca pulls Orhan aside: "We are going to
Kars Castle. Please don't be upset with SH. Beyazid's anger, he is going
through difficult days as you know."
approaches Beyazid and says: "My Shehzade, we are so close to the
Persian borders. It is blurred where the Ottoman lands end
and the Persian ones begin. Men approach suddenly.
Beyazid asks who they are. And Huseyin says: "The Persians." Then there is a shout to protect the shehzade.
Messenger: "Shehzade Sultan Beyazid. I am Shah Tahmasp's personal
messenger Sergent Marwan. We have no ill will. Believe me." He dismounts
and bows: "Welcome to the Persian Empire, Shehzade Hazretleri. Our
mighty Shah Tahmasp has sent me." Bey: "My intention was not to enter
your lands, but to go to the Kars Castle. If we have crossed into your
lands, we will retreat (respectfully)." Messenger: "We are aware of what
has happened to you. But Kars is not safe for you. From the news we
heard, there is an army of ten thousand marching towards Kars. Shah
Tahmasp would like to host you in Kazvin. I think you will respond to
the good intentioned invitation of our Shah."
Kazvin, we see Beyazid has arrived. Women throw coins at Beyazid's feet
as he walks through. He is being received as a Prince.
approaches Shah Tahmasp an says: "Shah Tahmasp Hazretleri," Tahmasp:
"Sh. Beyazid Hazretleri welcome to my palace." Bey: "Thank you. I am
indebted to your hospitality." Tahmasp: "I have heard you are the
Shehzade most resembling Sultan Suleyman. It is true. Betraying him
requires..courage." Bey: "I did not betray Sultan Suleyman. I won't,
anyway this is impossible...because none of the kings in the world can
keep up with the strength of Sultan Suleyman. Cannot even be compared to
him. My war is only with Sh. Selim." Tahmasp: "We will have a lot of
time to discuss these things. You have come on a long and difficult
journey. You will be hosted in the best way in my palace."
Istanbul, Suleyman has heard the news: "Shehzade Beyazid has sought
refuge with my enemy Tahmasp?! How can this be?!" Rustem: "It is
impossible to understand. Tahmasp has welcomed Sh. Beyazid with open
arms. They have thrown gold at his feet. He has given them a palace to
stay in. The Shehzades are staying there. Years ago, Tahmasp's brother
Elkas Mirza found refuge with us, now Sh. Beyazid is in their hands.
Tahmasp will not escape such an oppurtu- " Suleyman, who is greatly
troubled by these words, cuts him off.
Mihrimah asks
Ferhat how long Rustem has been inside. Ferhat says not too long. There
is a knock and Rustem escapes. He grabs Mihrimah and tells him "I do not
suggest that you go inside, because our Hunkar's anger is worse than
the fires of hell right now. It is not easy of course, to hear his son
has sought refuge with his greatest enemy. Sh. Beyazid is not different
than a dead person in our Hunkar's eyes now." Mih: 'No, he is not, there
is still hope." Rustem: "If your intention is to close your eyes and
hide from the reality, then continue like this."
Kazvin there has been entertainment in honour of Beyazid who eats with
Tahmasp. Tahmasp: 'What is making you so unhappy like this? You are not
happy with the luxurious feast that I have prepared in your honour."
Bey: "it is a perfect table spread. Shah Hazretleri, you welcoming me
and giving me a place to stay is very noble of you. I am curious to know
what I did to deserve this." Shah Tahmasp: "You knew my late brother,
Elkas Mirza, right? years ago I recall how he was welcomed in Istanbul.
These doings of mine today, cannot compare in the least. You were with
him as well. You fought together against me. Hmm?" Bey: "So it means it
is clear it is time for revenge. Hmm?" Tahmasp: "Look, Shehzadem, I am
saying this for your benefit. When a ruler takes his decision, he does
not use feelings of hatred and revenge. His only thought is the needs of
his nation." Bey:" So in that case, what do you intend to do with my
presence." Tahmasp: "You said your war was only with Sh. Selim. And I
believe you. But for Sultan Suleyman it is not like this. He has ordered
your execution. And this is why you came to my lands. Right? Hmm?" Bey:
"Our Hunkar will definitely see the truth and he will forgive me." Shah
Tahmasp laughs and then says: 'Look at the past...think about Cem
Sultan. He sought refuge with the Pope. Pope Alexander Borgia. Was he
forgiven? No. Could he return? No. Because, the Borgias sold him for a
few thousand pieces of gold. They poisoned him." Shah picks up Beyazid's
cup and drinks from it to show his good will. "Look Shehzadem, in front
of you sits a Turkic member of the Saffavid Dynasty. Not a heretic
Pope. I am on your side. You are free on my lands. Just like Sultan
Suleyman did not send my brother over to me, I will not hand you over to
him." Bey: "I put a veil on myself from being compared with your
rebellious brother Elkas Mirza. Because I have not betrayed a ruler.
When the conditions are right, I will return back to my lands." Tahmasp:
'Thing big. Sultan Suleyman has really grown old. The Ottoman people
and soldiers can accept easily a much younger Sultan. Let us work
together Shehzadem. Let us march together on Sultan Suleyman." Beyazid
stands up: "Shah Tahmasp! I am pretending you did not say these words.
Nor did my ears here what you said to me...with your permission I must
rest now."
Atmaca and Beyazid enter their rooms and
Beyazid asks: "Do you think the last letter I wrote to our Hunkar will
reach him?" At: "Hopefully. I sent the most trusted men." His sons
approach. Orhan: "Sh. will we stay here from now on?" Beyazid says: "My
Orhan, my lions, each of you are a part of my soul. For your safety I am
willing to burn in fires. Yes, for a while we will be staying here, but
with God's permission this storm will subside, this rain will stop, God
Willing we will return to the land we own and we will walk to the
throne that we deserve." Orhan: "Shehzem, wherever you are, that is our
lands. Do not make yourself sad on our account." The family hugs.
arrives to Mihrimah and says there is news from Beyazid. Sumbul: "I
spoke for sometime with the messenger that brought this letter. Our
Shehzade sent many letters to our Hunkar, but our Hunkar never
responded, clearly people have prevented them from reaching. Sh. Beyazid
specifically wants you to give this letter to our Hunkar." Mih: 'I knew
Beyazid would not stay silent. Maybe this letter will be of benefit,
for a solution."
(NOTE: I have written the letter and
the response in the way it shows in the series. But it is actually one
letter from Beyazid and one response from his father)
Beyazid's Letter:
"O my father, the Sultan of the entire world, Sultan Suleyman,
The hue of my soul, soul within my soul, my father.
Beyazid's Letter:
"O my father, the Sultan of the entire world, Sultan Suleyman,
The hue of my soul, soul within my soul, my father.
Would you sacrifice your Beyazid, my beloved father?
I am innocent, Allah Knows, my prosperous Sultan, my father."
Suleyman's response:
"O my son who is time and again disobedient and rebellious.
"O my son who is time and again disobedient and rebellious.
O son who never wears my decrees on his neck!
Would I have sacrificed you Beyazid Han, my son?
Do not say "I am innocent" at least repent, my dear son!
Beyazid's Letter:
"I am like Mecnun (Mejnun from the story of Leyla and Mejnun), mountain tops have become my resting place.
"I am like Mecnun (Mejnun from the story of Leyla and Mejnun), mountain tops have become my resting place.
I am separated from my property and wealth and am far away.
I shed tears "Woe this separation, woe!"
I am innocent, Allah Knows, my prosperous Sultan, my father."
Suleyman's response:
"To the Mecnun who does not remember the name of Adam, wastelands will be his resting place.
Those who refuse to obey will always remain far away.
It is not shameful to say "Woe to me! Save me from separation"
Do not say "I am innocent" at least repent, my dear son!"
Beyazid's letter:
"Who can describe to you my situation, O gracious Shah
I have become an orphan, separated from my mother and siblings.
I have not an atom's worth of rebellion against you."
Allah is Wise, I am innocent, Allah Knows, my prosperous Sultan, father."
Suleyman's response:
"Prophethood comes from Allah, the one who is obedient will become gracious
The one who refuses: "Do not say "uff" (in anger) to them nor rebuke them" (an order from the Qu'ran) will be left an orphan.
Gracious Allah is aware of those who rebel against obedience
Do not say "I am innocent" at least repent, my dear son!"
Do not say "I am innocent" at least repent, my dear son!"
Beyazid's letter:
"Let us assume that both my hands are stained with blood,
This is an example of one who says: "If a slave has sinned then so be it."
Forgive the error of Beyazid, Do not sacrifice this slave.
I am innocent, Allah Knows, my prosperous Sultan, my father."
Suleyman's response:
"Let us assume that both your hands are stained with blood
Because if you repent, we will forgive you with ease,
My Beyazid, I will forgive your errors if you come to the straight pathDo not say "I am innocent" at least repent, my dear son!"
Back in Istanbul Mihrimah is out in the markets and meets with Atmaca. There is a flashback.
"I am getting further away from my home and the Capitol step by step
Atmaca. Now in the wild I am trying to hold onto dear life and stay
alive." At: 'Do not lose faith, one day soon we will go back." Bey: "I
do not know about myself, but you will return Atmaca." At: "What does
this mean?" Bey: "You have been burning for years to get your revenge on
Rustem. I had made you a promise, when I get on the throne I would
personally give you that traitor's head. But...it seems the throne is
very far from me. Go to the Capitol and take that traitorous dog's head."
At: "I will not leave you and our Shehzades here and return." Bey:
"Just as some pains do not pass, the weight of some betrayals do not
pass either. It is like the example of a red hot ember that is thought
to be put out, but is waiting for the right wind to pass by it... You
are going to go... There is no longer anything here that you can do for
me. For my brother Mustafa and his son Mehmet, and for me, go and take
Rustem's life." We then see Atmaca telling Mihrimah not to worry, as Sh.
Beyazid and his sons are doing well. "He sends his respects and
greetings. I hope you are well." Mih: "While my brave, unlucky Shehzade
is in Persia how can I be alright? I still cannot believe everything
that has happened. Will my brother be able to return from there? Will I
be able to embrace him ever again?" At: "This is up to us Sultanim."
Mih: "I sent many letters, but I did not get any response." At: "Most
likely Sh. Selim's men have prevented them (from reaching)." Mih: 'The
way things are going is not boding well Atmaca, do not trust Tahmasp at
all. The only solution is for Sh. Beyazid to go somewhere safe." At: 'We
did what we could. But all doors are shut in our faces. We had no other
choice but to go to Persia. We are inside a ring of fire. We will
either sting ourselves like scorpions, or we will destroy that ring of
fire." Mih: 'How did you come then? Why did you come, why did you leave
my shehzade alone?" At: "I am here on Sh. Beyazid's orders. He wants
justice to be done, he wants those who betrayed to pay." Mihr: "Rustem
Pasha?" At: "Now take my life Sultanim, or help me take that devil's
Defne is speaking to Beyazid's children: "Your
Sultan father is fighting with his enemies. He will defeat them and
come. And from now on we will never, ever be separated again." Ayshe:
"You always say this, but he does not come! It has been two years. I have forgotten my father's face...when
will he return?" Lokman arrives telling Defne that Mihrimah has sent
word. The children are taken away and Defne and Lokman hope it is good
news. "I wish she has written that our Hunkar has forgiven our
Shehzade." She reads over the letter. Lokman: "What happened?" Defne:
"Our Hunkar has started negotiations with Shah Tahmasp for Beyazid's
life. Lokman agha, our Shehzade must be informed of these negotiations."
Lokman: "It is impossible to send word from here to Persia! It is
obvious the end of the messengers who have left from here in the past
with letters. Their heads are being found in wells." Defne: "If our
shehzade is informed, if he does not leave Persia he will lose his
life." Defne: "Since we cannot trust messengers, then I will go." Lok:
'What are you saying? You are jesting." Defne shakes her head, she is
Rustem enters to see his children. He
says: 'You are more beautiful the more time passes. God Willing your
future will hold beautiful things for you too." Rustem: "Osman my son."
There is a bird in a cage. Humashah asks what it is and what kind of
bird it is, so colourful. Rustem says: "A captain from India has brought
it. They call it a parrot. It is a present from me to you." Huma: "The
colours are magnificent." They sit down to eat and he says: "I am
surprised at how your mother has called me to eat." Huma: "My mother is
not as you think, heartless. She thinks of her children's happiness. I
am sure, she sees how much you care about us." Rustem: 'God Willing,
Mihrimah is in her room and Sumbul arrives.
"Rustem Pasha has arrived." There is a flashback: Atmaca: "Sometime I
ago I had hunted Rustem Pasha. But he was always saved. This time he
can't be saved, he can't run away."
Mihrimah to
Atmaca: "If you are thinking about poisoning him, you can forget about
it, Zal Mahmud personally checks all the food served on his table." At: '
I am a soldier Sultanim. If I take someone's life, I will do it with
the strength of my wrist. I want it to be done as I am looking into his
Later the children are playing with the bird
and Mihrimah enters. She tells Rustem that the children must sleep now
as bedtime has come. The children leave the room. She goes to him and
says "I heard you were ill. I hope the condition is not too serious."
Rustem: "For a while I have not been feeling well in my stomach. My
chest gets tight, I have trouble breathing. But, the doctor's medicine
has helped, I am much better today." Mih: "There are some important
things we must talk about. I will meet you in your room and we can
Mihrimah tells her servant outside that
she should go with her children to Topkapi and they should stay there.
The servant asks what is going on and Mihrimah tells her to do as she
Atmaca is hooded and cloaked and enters the palace.
Rustem awaits Mihrimah who enters his presence. Rustem: "I am curious in truth, about the reason for your interest. I thought you hated me." Mih: "When I first saw you were the head stableman. You were in charge of the royal horses. Including my horse. After by my mother's grace you climbed the latter one or two steps at a time. Until, you became the Grand Vizier." Rustem: 'What does this mean?" Mih:"For the son of a pig farmer, this is a quick rise right?" Rustem: "I chose my path Mihrimah, otherwise if it was as you say, I would be in far away lands, herding pigs, in your language, I did not reach this position by coincidence. Whatever I have, I won it with my teeth and my nails. I am this mighty empire's most powerful Grand Vizier. What is your purpose, did you call me here just to talk about these things." There is a knock at the door and Sumbul has come and tells her that her son is not sleeping, calling for his mother. Mihrimah tells Rustem that when Osman sleeps, they will continue their conversation.
Rustem awaits Mihrimah who enters his presence. Rustem: "I am curious in truth, about the reason for your interest. I thought you hated me." Mih: "When I first saw you were the head stableman. You were in charge of the royal horses. Including my horse. After by my mother's grace you climbed the latter one or two steps at a time. Until, you became the Grand Vizier." Rustem: 'What does this mean?" Mih:"For the son of a pig farmer, this is a quick rise right?" Rustem: "I chose my path Mihrimah, otherwise if it was as you say, I would be in far away lands, herding pigs, in your language, I did not reach this position by coincidence. Whatever I have, I won it with my teeth and my nails. I am this mighty empire's most powerful Grand Vizier. What is your purpose, did you call me here just to talk about these things." There is a knock at the door and Sumbul has come and tells her that her son is not sleeping, calling for his mother. Mihrimah tells Rustem that when Osman sleeps, they will continue their conversation.
Mihrimah leaves and we see Zal standing in the hall.
creeps up behind Zal and grabs him. "Zal Mahmud. Do you recall that
day? The day you strangled Sh. Mustafa. I did not forget it at all. He
stabs him several times.
Atmaca pulls out his battle
axes. He fights off each and every single man until he reaches Rustem's
room. Rustem has a rifle pointed at Atmaca. He shoots Atmaca. Atmaca
gets up and the two men are at each other's throats. At: "Did you think
that you would die in your bed in peace?" Then Atmaca strangles him. "Do
you remember? I said I would take your life one day? It is time to take
sh. Mustafa's revenge!"
Rustem lies on the floor strangled and Atmaca walks out in pain. Recalling his family and Mustafa. Then guards arrive and Atmaca falls to the ground dead.
has come to make sure. She sees all the men, including Atmaca lying on
the floor. Then she finds Rustem. She tells Sumbul to clean up. To pack
up the bodies and dump them in the water. Bury Atmaca according to the
customs. Rustem has been ill for sometime (in his chest and stomach).
Everyone should think this is why he died." Sumbul: "Sultanim, what
should we do about Zal Mahmud." Mih: "Tell him if he says a single word then I will cut off his head." Mih: "Goodbye Rustem."
Kazvin Tahmasp is having a trim. His messenger arrives and tells him
there is news from Istanbul. That Rustem has written a response to his
proposal. The letter is read aloud "The ruler of Persia, Shah Tahmasp.
We recieved your last letter. We have discussed your proposal with
Sultan Suleyman Han. You have asked for Baghdad and 1.2 million gold
pieces in exchange for Sh. Beyazid. We are ready to give you the money
you asked for. But giving up Baghdad cannot even be a question. Our
Hunkar is willing to give you Kars Castle. But our mighty Hunkar has put
a condition that Shehzade must be handed over alive. Husrev Pasha and
his envoy has set out. If you do not accept these conditions, we will
not be responsible for the bloody war that will take place. The Grand
Vizier, Rustem Pasha."
Huseyin goes to see Beyazid telling him there is new news. Beyazid asks if it is about Atmaca. But it is Defne and Lokman.
Lala has arrived in Persia. He has gone to meet with Tahmasp.
Beyazid asks where his children are and she says she left them in
Amasya. She says she could not put them in danger. He asks what brought
her . Lokman says that Mihrimah Sultan sent letter to him but could not.
Beyazid asks what is written. Defne tells him that Tahmasp has done
negotiations for his life in exchange for gold and land.
"Shah Tahmasp Hazretleri, I am Van Beylerbey Mustafa Pasha. I have come
by Shehzade Sultan Selim's orders. He sends his greetings and respect."
Shah: "I am listening, Mustafa Bey. What does Shehzade Selim want from
me?" Lala: "He would like the rebellious Sh. Beyazid to be submitted to
him." Tahmasp: Sultan Suleyman is sending Husrev Pasha for me to hand
over Sh. Beyazid. Only if I hand over the Sh. to them will I recieve the Hunkar's noble gifts."
Lala: "Of course our mighty Hunkar is noble and wealthy, but, nobody can
be wanting in relation to Sh. Selim's generosity. If you send Sh.
Beyazid to us, you will recieve multiples of what you were promised and
you will from now, create a close bond between you and the future
Padishah." We see Selim standing behind.
THE END.Our Facebook Group:
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