• Muhtesem Yuzyil Episode 123 Trailer 3

    Source: www.startv.com.tr/dizi/muhtesemyuzyil

    Atmaca: 'We must prevent this. And there is only one way to do this."
    Yahya: "Treason (rebellion)"
    Atmaca: "Treason."
    Hurrem: "What if Shehzade Mustafa understands the things that are going to happen to him and he starts a rebellion? The wind will start blowing from the wrong direction. News of Selim and the Hunkar's death will come from the military encampment."
    Janissary: "So he can possibly kill our Shehzade right?"

    Atmaca: "Only you can stop this, Janissaries."
    Janissary: "Rebellion."
    Mihrunissa: "We only have one path to travel Atmaca. And that is to take Sultan Suleyman off the throne."
    Man: 'With a single signal from Shehzade Mustafa, the Janissaries will
    destroy the whole land."
    Janissary: 'We just wanted a single spark Atmaca, with your words, you gave us a whole fire."
    Rustem: "If the wind starts to blow in their direction, then the encampment will become hell for us. And we will have to exit this hell together with our Hunkar."

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