• Muhtesem Yuzyil Episode 120 Trailer 1

    Source: www.startv.com.tr/dizi/muhtesemyuzyil

    Rustem: "The preparations with the military are complete...we can go to the Capitol."
    Beyazid: "If you wish we can go the other way to the palace. From the marble palace we can go to the palace."
    Suleyman: 'The same way I left my palace on my horse, that is the same way I will return to it, Beyazid."
    Rustem: "Forgive me Sultanim, but the illness is serious. From what the doctor has said, it is gout. But it is not just that...he has caught a disease with fever."
    Hurrem: 'If God orders this (if Suleyman dies), Selim will ascend the throne."
    Selim: "I will either get on the throne, or I will die."
    Rustem: "We will find ourselves in the middle of a massive fire. We will put that fire out together, and you will ascend to the throne..."

    Hurrem: "The Shehzade must never come to the Capitol. We must not allow this ever!"
    Doctor: 'We did what we could my Pasha. The rest is up to God to determine."

    Hurrem: 'Oh Allah, please help!"
    Ferhat: 'If by the order of God he is taken (he dies), and they hide this from us, no one can stop the Janissaries."
    Selim: "Who do you think you are??? A Shehzade is standing in front of you!!!"

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