Source: www.startv.com.tr/dizi/muhtesemyuzyil |
Hurrem: 'I am closer victory than I have ever been before. I feel
it. Just like I was saved from (got rid of) Ibrahim Pasha, I will be
saved from (got rid of) Shehzade Mustafa."
Mustafa: "Explain."
Atmaca: "Calamity, my Shehzade."
Mihrimah: "He has brought the responding letter that came from Persia. Everything is very clear."
Hurrem: "Shehzade Mustafa who you cannot compliment enough, his intention is to send the Persian armies on us, and to have our Hunkar deposed from the throne."
Atmaca: "If our Hunkar believes this accusation, he will give one order: execution!"
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