• Muhtesem Yuzyil Episode 133 Farewell Translation

    Muhtesem Yuzyil Episode 133 Hurrem "Farewell" Translation


    "I am Hurrem. 

    Always taken with the other...

    Loved and hated... 

    One who establishes and demolishes... 

    The one that gives life and the one that takes it... 

    I am the one that climbed my way to the top of the world...  

    I am the one that passed through the fires and ice...

    I am the one who burned, and I am the one who extinguished...

    I am the soul of all of the women in the world...

    My entire being is hidden inside my love...

    I am Hurrem...

    Death is calling my name...

    I turn around and look behind me...

    It is only this love, which I find meaning in, throughout my life..."

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